Well, this is not a typicall Unity finished creation, it is painfully simple, rough and without any fireworks. But it was made in an hour. By a team of 6 people. If you are not familiar with the 0h Game Jam, you may visit the site: http://0hgame.eu, or simply be satisified knowing that this is an online, no rules game jam, when you create a game within an hour of time that does not exist, beacuse when you are done it’s time to switch to daylight saving time So you start at 2AM and you finish at 2AM. Simple as that
So we did our game like that. We got the idea the day before. We planned everything, we split the job (3 programmers, 2 artists, musiscian) and we tested the ideas. During an hour we knew exactly what we want to do, no experimenting or searching for solutions. It took us a few minutes more, but we did it. It was more like a tutorial than actuall development, no thinking time at all.
And Unity was simply great. It proved itself big time. If we were that prepared and organized all the time, we wolud be already releasing GTA VI ;). So yes, Unity is fast like hell, if you know what you want from it, simply amazing
So if you are interested in how a 0h game looks like, here it is:
Leon. The death story of a teleporting chameleon.