
A little game I’ve been working on and off for a while now.
Finally got some SFX in and am calling it done:

Direct Link:

Quick Instruction:
W,A,S,D - Move
Mouse + Click - Attack
Spacebar - Rotate Shields (Black protects against Black, etc)
N - Noise (None, SFX, Music, Music+SFX)

Enjoy. Shoot back some feedback.

Hey man that was quite good. :slight_smile:

Took a minute to figure out (because I don’t read stuff) but I liked the concept. Definitely something to build on.

hwo slow can it get! lolz :slight_smile: a t1 line takes about a minute to load this hmmm I wonder if it is worth it. :slight_smile: it is :slight_smile: good job liked it alot. very interesting.