1.0.0-pre.4 compile error

Hey all,

I just updated to 1.0.0-pre.4 which I noticed was available. After updating I get the following compile error in the jobs package. I’m on Unity 2020.3.18f1. The only updated package in the manifest file is the transport package, I can’t see that it updated any other ones.

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.jobs@0.8.0-preview.23\Unity.Jobs\IJobParallelForDefer.cs(77,85): error CS8377: The type 'U' must be a non-nullable value type, along with all fields at any level of nesting, in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'NativeList<T>'

Any ideas?


This was fixed by simply updating the jobs package to the latest (0.11.0-preview.6)