[1.0.0-pre.65] Entities Hierarchy data modes UX improvement

I would like official to move out all the data mode to become 4 toggles and also able to set hotkey to make it much easier to quickly switch between each mode. Currently it’s really annoying that I need to press the button then pick the data mode from dropdown which is really bad UX.



I will second this but with a different recommendation. I preferred the original toggle option where you did not have the drop down menu. I understand the need for more explicit menus for beginners but If you have used this for a day or two it feels like treacle. Please give the option to have this button’s behaviour set in the preferences.

The user should be able to choose between a toggle (like in the original version 1 preview), radio buttons (like in the original post) or the current drop down menu.

Thanks, folks! I’ve shared this feedback with the UX team. As usual, if you’ve more feedback, do submit it on our public roadmap.


I have set the mode to Automatic on Hierachy, and Runtime on Entities Hierarchy. This way I don’t have to click the toggle constantly and can select the entities in the Hierarchy if I want them in Authoring flow. If I want to see the runtime data, I select entities in the Entities Hierarchy window. That helps a lot and saves me time constantly clicking the toggle to switch between the modes.