1.0.0-preview.6 styles are not rendering on Android

Is this working on mobile yet or am I doing something wrong?
It seems like the styles are ignored on Android.
Only buttons and labels are rendered but not the style defined in the UI builder.

I’m using unity 2020.1.0f1
and “com.unity.ui”: “1.0.0-preview.6”

And I followed this document:

I used the UI Builder to make the visual tree asset. And styled the elements in the inspector.
It’s a scroll view containing visual elements with text.

It works fine in the editor but this is how it looks like on Android 10 most of the time (sometimes it works):

This is the Logcat output:
VisualElementAsset has a RuleIndex but no inline

Are that styles that don’t work inlined in the UXML (per element)? Do they start working if you move your styles into a StyleSheet?

I noticed the shaders for ui toolkit weren’t included in a build I made and I had to manually include them (though this was likely due to storing the data in addressables)

In theory, our shaders are included through the PanelSettings asset (which should be referenced by UIDocument(s)).
They should have not have to be referenced manually.

@polypilots if you can confirm that extracting styles to a separate USS fixes the issues, then you’re likely hitting this bug : Unity Issue Tracker - [UI Toolkit] UXML Inlined Styles aren't applied in a build when UXML file is saved

It’s on our radar for the next release.

I moved the inline styles to a separate USS. I can confirm that this fixed the issue.

Great. Thanks for confirming. We are working on fixing inline styles (hopefully will have a fix soon).