Loading up my existing project for some reason my component is not always syncing.
The pair on the left are syncing fine, the pair on the right are not - they both exist at the same time on the client but only 1 is working.
The data is just a giant chunk of 512 bytes.
internal struct Packet : IComponentData
[GhostField(Composite = true)]
public FixedBytes512 Buffer;
public struct FixedBytes512 : IEquatable<FixedBytes512>
public FixedBytes64 Offset0000;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0064;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0128;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0192;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0256;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0320;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0384;
public FixedBytes64 Offset0448;
public unsafe bool Equals(FixedBytes512 other)
fixed (void* ptr = &this)
return UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(ptr, &other, sizeof(FixedBytes512)) == 0;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int)math.hash(math.hashwide(new int4x2(
new int4(this.Offset0000.GetHashCode(), this.Offset0064.GetHashCode(), this.Offset0128.GetHashCode(), this.Offset0192.GetHashCode()),
new int4(this.Offset0256.GetHashCode(), this.Offset0320.GetHashCode(), this.Offset0384.GetHashCode(), this.Offset0448.GetHashCode()))));
public struct FixedBytes64 : IEquatable<FixedBytes64>
public long Offset00;
public long Offset08;
public long Offset16;
public long Offset24;
public long Offset32;
public long Offset40;
public long Offset48;
public long Offset56;
public unsafe bool Equals(FixedBytes64 other)
fixed (void* ptr = &this)
return UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(ptr, &other, sizeof(FixedBytes64)) == 0;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int)math.hash(math.hashwide(UnsafeUtility.As<FixedBytes64, int4x4>(ref this)));
If I make Composite=false it work fine.