At Addressbles Groups window, select Build to CCD menu - Default Build Script then after waiting for build finish then the upload CDD will failed and get the following 3 errors.
I would like official to provide or point me the which part of code to hotfix this issue locally first since official release is just takes too long time to have new release. Not really want to wait for like few weeks to get a fix.
Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.CcdManagementException: (404) HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found —> Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Http.HttpException1[Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Models.InlineResponse404]: (404) HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Http.ResponseHandler.HandleAsyncResponse (Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Http.HttpClientResponse response, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[TKey,TValue] statusCodeToTypeMap) [0x0006d] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\Http\ResponseHandler.cs:103
at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Http.ResponseHandler.HandleAsyncResponse[T] (Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Http.HttpClientResponse response, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[TKey,TValue] statusCodeToTypeMap) [0x00000] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\Http\ResponseHandler.cs:186 at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Apis.Entries.EntriesApiClient.CreateOrUpdateEntryByPathEnvAsync (Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Entries.CreateOrUpdateEntryByPathEnvRequest request, Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Configuration operationConfiguration) [0x00182] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\Apis\EntriesApi.cs:372 at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.WrappedCcdManagementService.TryCatchRequest[TRequest,TReturn] (System.Func3[T1,T2,TResult] func, TRequest request) [0x00151] in C:\bxxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\SDK\WrappedCcdManagementService.cs:789
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.WrappedCcdManagementService.ResolveErrorWrapping (System.Int32 reason, System.Exception exception) [0x00190] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\SDK\WrappedCcdManagementService.cs:881
at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.WrappedCcdManagementService.TryCatchRequest[TRequest,TReturn] (System.Func`3[T1,T2,TResult] func, TRequest request) [0x00312] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\SDK\WrappedCcdManagementService.cs:801
at Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.WrappedCcdManagementService.CreateOrUpdateEntryByPathAsync (Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.EntryByPathOptions entryByPathOptions, Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.EntryModelOptions entry) [0x000ba] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\\Editor\SDK\WrappedCcdManagementService.cs:344
at UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.CcdBuildEvents.UploadContentState (UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.AddressablesDataBuilderInput input, UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.AddressablesPlayerBuildResult result) [0x000c0] in C:\xxx\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.addressables@1.21.1\Editor\Build\CcdBuildEvents.cs:415
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:performWaitCallback ()
Hi Optimise, Sorry I missed the earlier ping.
Let me poke the developers see if I can get more information. At the moment I can see it as a task todo. I will raise this issue and post back here as soon as I have more information.
Hi Optimise,
The release is pending deployment, the issue described above should be resolved in this version.
Unfortunately I don’t have any information on any dates.
I will come back and post here and maybe you will see it on the addressables forums as well.
Thanks Optimise let me bring this back to the developers, I was able to repro locally this was my error
When I use Build to CCD local script > Default Local script as you mentioned above. I thought this was fixed but it seems we are still getting the error.
I encountered the same error with Addressables 1.21.2 and CCDManagement 2.1.0 and Unity 2022.1.21f1. I uploaded one bucket successfully today but failed to upload it again after building new assets.
Hi Folks,
It seems this is happening when upgrading from Older versions of addressables + CCD management.
At the moment if you are using 1.19.X and 1.XX.X of the packages please do not upgrade to newer versions of addressables
I will try to find a workaround for those who have updated and post back here.
Thanks for your patience here. If you did end up upgrading and are getting the results posted by some users in this thread. I suggest the following workaround.Please note you may have to upload your files and create a new build script.
Update to the latest version of Addressables: "com.unity.addressables": "1.21.9",
Go to Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Profiles
In the profiles window click on Create and select Build and Load Path Variables
Name your prefix and click Save
While in the profile window, Select the profile you are using with your project and use the dropdown to select your bucket/environment from Cloud Content Delivery.
Go to Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Settings
Make sure your Build and load paths point to the new settings
Go to Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups
Click on you Addressables group you want to load and under Content Packing and Loading select the new settings
When complete, you can now build directly to CCD by clicking on the Build To CCD drop down and selecting Default Build script or try to update a previous build.
Hope this workaround works for the folks who reported this problem.
I hate to resurrect a necro thread but I have created a brand new project in Unity 2023.2.1f1 and imported some music files, made them addressable and am trying to build them to cloud content delivery.
I have the same issue (or similar at least) when updating from Addressables 1.21.19 / CCD management 2.1.0 to Addressables 1.21.20 / CCD Managmenet 2.2.2