"1 bucket per platform" vs "1 bucket for all platforms" benefits and downsides?

I use the “1 bucket for all platforms” approach. I wonder if “1 bucket per platform” might be a better option, because in this case, whatever I do to a bucket, does not affect other platforms.

From your experience, what are the benefits and downsides of each approach? What approach take most UCD customers?

Hi Peter77,

a lot of customer find it a lot more useful to use at least one bucket per platform. More so, a lot of them use also 1 bucket per platform per env(dev, staging, prod, etc) to help with promotion of releases.

Hope it helps


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Thank you for the reply. I wasn’t aware of the FAQ, thank you for posting the link.

Yes we also have different buckets for Development, Staging and Live. But each bucket holds the content for all platforms. I used this setup due to several Unity talks/seminars I watched on youtube.

Good to know that one bucket per platform per environment is the recommended approach, will change to that.