I’ve finally wrapped up my January entry for the 1 Game a Month Challenge.
This one tested the hell out of me. It may not be awe inspiring but for a 30 day window this was a heavy heavy work load.
The game is a riff off of MOBAs like LoL, HoN, and DotA2. It’s single player and plays for a single match. There are no inventories, no skills, and the Bots and the Player share the same model.
I want to post the link to the game now and I’ll update with a video of gameplay prol tomorrow.(here it is)
Instructions to play:
I didn’t capture the mouse for the web player so you have to play in fullscreen.(right click, choose fullscreen)
Right click to move.
Right click to attack target.
MouseWheel Click and drag to move the camera
MouseWheel up and down to zoom in and out.(You can’t zoom out too far, FOV is part of the challenge)
Going back to your spawn point will heal your health and mana.
You do more damage(25% more) when you have mana, so if your damage drops off go back to your spawn and refill.
You level up every 4 kills. You don’t have to last hit to get experience. Each level gives you more mana, health, and damage.
Around level 10 to 12 you become a beast and can run over the whole map.
If you die you start over at level 1.(So don’t die)
[Libraries and Assets]
Daikon Forge GUI - I was concerned about bringing in a library this large because of the time crunch a 30 day jam puts you in but the API is exceedingly well designed. It could stand some more code examples but a big thumbs up. The author is also active on his forums and helpful.
Skeletons Pack - this is a pack of skeleton parts and some kit for them. They work as advertised and are free. Thanks to the publisher bisaniyehocam
RTS Buildings Human and Orc - These were used for the towers, the flags, the bases, the barracks, and the player spawns. Everything worked great. I switched the shader which comes default as a handpainted style but it looks alright with normal diffuse.
Outdoor ground textures- used for the terrain
10 High Resolution Wall Textures - used for the road texture on the terrain, as well as the walls of the base.
[Known Issues]
The Bots sometimes don’t face their target.
The animations aren’t synched properly. Just needs some tweaking.
The lack of polish on the project is almost a crime. A couple of weeks adding feedback mechanisms and cleaning up some of the art and feedback systems would make the game far more interesting.
Forgot to capture the mouse for the webplayer.
Any feedback is appreciated. I could spend another month on this game and it would be a lot cooler but I’m making myself move on to a different game for February, and if I still like this game after that I’ll come back to it.