Just as topic says - low poly WebGL game has 0.8-1 million verts and half this tris. Models aren’t detail at all. Why is that?
What is misleading about these low-poly models is that they have sharp edges. This means that vertices have to be split, so they don’t share normals. A smooth box has only 8 vertices, but a flat box has 24 (6 x 4). At least that’s how people do it most of the time.
If this is the reason of your high verts count, try thinking about using the flat shading solution instead. Look at this article: - maybe it will be of a help to you.
Realtime shadows at a minimum double your vert count, most likely more depending on how many lights/shadows you have and the shadow draw distance.
Also the point made about flat shading is very true. A flat-shaded box has many more vertices than a smooth shaded one in order to make edges look sharp.
You said earlier that you only had one camera in the scene, and then posted this screenshot of your hierarchy:
Note that the verts/tris count in the Stats window shows the number of elements drawn, not the number in the scene. Assuming that at least some of those objects with “Camera” in their name have got active camera components attached, you’re probably rendering the same verts/tris many, many times over.
Many of them camera objects seem duplicates anyway - what are they all meant to do?! Disable all cameras in the scene except one and I bet your stats will reduce to a fraction of their current levels.