How could two people work on two separate computers, on the same project?
How could two people work on two separate computers, on the same project?
One solution is to use Asset Server…
it doesnt work,
as in the modified scenes, wont come modified, the assets come but whatever i changed on one computer doesnt come to my lappy
I use Chronosync to keep the folders synchronized between laptop and desktop. It’s not perfect and you need to spend some time telling it what stuff to ignore, but it works.
For lots of users, some kind of version control system such as Asset Server, git, or subversion.
I use Dropbox (www.getdropbox.com)
oh god!..
*wonders what the return policy like with unity…
so say,
i upload a few new models to my desktop, than go ahead and get in my scene change things around…
than say im going away for the weekend so i want to take my most up-to date file, can i just go ahead and upload from whichever program u guys suggested, and have my changes fixed in the Scene as well??
Can you tell more details on how it does not work?
Asset server does work for a lot of people (ourselves included). Sure, it has some quirks (which version control system does not?), but generally it works. Files that are changed come as changed, scenes that are modified are modified, etc.
Dropbox looks like a very cool option – but it’s in closed beta
Edit: not very closed! Download the software and it will sign you up with a free 2GB acct.
It sounds like the original reply here went in a direction other than you intended.
You are looking for tools to allow yourself to use Unity on multiple computers and to easily sync folders or are you looking for tools to allow multiple people to work on the same project (potentially at the same time) from multiple computers?
There are potentially very different solutions to these problems. As Aras mentioned, for multiple users to work on the same project, there is Asset Server. Others mentioned tools for syncing folders. You could probably come up with some system of using either type of solution to solve either problem, but they are designed for different things.
If you have spent $500 on Asset Server you should really take the time to actually read about how to use it. Lots of people/teams/companies use it successfully everyday and it seems like you just haven’t gotten your head around how it works yet.
Am I misunderstanding something here or is Asset Server $500 per client? If so, that’s a minimum of $1000 not $500.
In any event, what Antenna Tree and Charles say is true, although for a small team there is a significant overlap in use-cases for both version control tools (Asset Server, Subversion, git, CVS, etc.) and synchronization tools (Chronosync, Dropbox, etc.). Version control tools are in many ways overkill for two people working on a project together (especially if you’re both using Time Machine, which offers a kind of automated version control).
For a long time “multimedia” developers lived pretty much without version control because version control tools tended to choke on huge binary data files (e.g. video) – if you use sensible file and directory naming conventions and are reasonably careful, the dividing line between good sync tools and version control is not hard or fast.
For myself I work between two Macs, MBP and a G5. Use “Versions.app” and my Dreamhost supplied SVN server. This is to maintain scripts and meshes between machines. With the G5 as my primary workstation I have a internal hard drive dedicated to TimeMachine which is my final destination for emergency recoveries… like when I delete a whole project by mistake or overwrite one with an really old version (yes done that before I had backups, very heartbreaking experience that!)
Can’t justify Asset Server at the moment and I find the above process very robust for my needs.