I moved AgentStatus in another component (splitting Agent and NavData) and removed Position and Rotation from AgentComponent. Here it is :
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Transforms;
using NavJob.Components;
namespace NavJob.Systems
class SetDestinationBarrier : BarrierSystem { }
class PathSuccessBarrier : BarrierSystem { }
class PathErrorBarrier : BarrierSystem { }
public class NavAgentSystem : JobComponentSystem
private struct AgentData
public int index;
public Entity entity;
public Agent agent;
public NavData navData;
public Position position;
private NativeQueue<AgentData> needsWaypoint;
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, Vector3[]> waypoints = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Vector3[]> ();
private NativeHashMap<int, AgentData> pathFindingData;
private struct DetectNextWaypointJob : IJobParallelFor
public int navMeshQuerySystemVersion;
public InjectData data;
public NativeQueue<AgentData>.Concurrent needsWaypoint;
public void Execute (int index)
Agent agent = data.Agents[index];
NavData navData = data.NavDatas[index];
if (navData.remainingDistance - navData.stoppingDistance > 0 || agent.status != AgentStatus.Moving)
if (navData.nextWaypointIndex != navData.totalWaypoints)
needsWaypoint.Enqueue (new AgentData { navData = data.NavDatas[index], position = data.Positions[index], entity = data.Entities[index], index = index });
else if (navMeshQuerySystemVersion != navData.queryVersion || navData.nextWaypointIndex == navData.totalWaypoints)
navData.totalWaypoints = 0;
navData.currentWaypoint = 0;
agent.status = AgentStatus.Idle;
data.Agents[index] = agent;
data.NavDatas[index] = navData;
private struct SetNextWaypointJob : IJob
public InjectData data;
public NativeQueue<AgentData> needsWaypoint;
public void Execute ()
while (needsWaypoint.TryDequeue (out AgentData item))
Entity entity = data.Entities[item.index];
if (instance.waypoints.TryGetValue (entity.Index, out Vector3[] currentWaypoints))
NavData agent = data.NavDatas[item.index];
agent.currentWaypoint = currentWaypoints[agent.nextWaypointIndex];
agent.remainingDistance = Vector3.Distance (data.Positions[item.index].Value, agent.currentWaypoint);
data.NavDatas[item.index] = agent;
private struct MovementJob : IJobParallelFor
private readonly float dt;
private readonly float3 up;
private readonly float3 one;
private InjectData data;
public MovementJob (InjectData data, float dt)
this.dt = dt;
this.data = data;
up = Vector3.up;
one = Vector3.one;
public void Execute (int index)
if (index >= data.NavDatas.Length)
Agent agent = data.Agents[index];
if (agent.status != AgentStatus.Moving)
NavData navData = data.NavDatas[index];
if (navData.remainingDistance > 0)
Position position = data.Positions[index];
Rotation rotation = data.Rotations[index];
navData.currentMoveSpeed = Mathf.Lerp (navData.currentMoveSpeed, navData.moveSpeed, dt * navData.acceleration);
// todo: deceleration
if (navData.nextPosition.x != Mathf.Infinity)
position.Value = navData.nextPosition;
Vector3 heading = navData.currentWaypoint - position.Value;
navData.remainingDistance = heading.magnitude;
if (navData.remainingDistance > 0.001f)
Vector3 targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (heading, up).eulerAngles;
targetRotation.x = targetRotation.z = 0;
if (navData.remainingDistance < 1)
rotation.Value = Quaternion.Euler (targetRotation);
rotation.Value = Quaternion.Slerp (rotation.Value, Quaternion.Euler (targetRotation), dt * navData.rotationSpeed);
navData.nextPosition = position.Value + math.forward(rotation.Value) * navData.currentMoveSpeed * dt;
data.NavDatas[index] = navData;
data.Positions[index] = position;
data.Rotations[index] = rotation;
else if (navData.nextWaypointIndex == navData.totalWaypoints)
navData.nextPosition = new float3 { x = Mathf.Infinity, y = Mathf.Infinity, z = Mathf.Infinity };
agent.status = AgentStatus.Idle ;
data.Agents[index] = agent;
data.NavDatas[index] = navData;
private struct InjectData
public readonly int Length;
[ReadOnly] public EntityArray Entities;
public ComponentDataArray<Agent> Agents;
public ComponentDataArray<NavData> NavDatas;
public ComponentDataArray<Position> Positions;
public ComponentDataArray<Rotation> Rotations;
[Inject] private InjectData data;
[Inject] private NavMeshQuerySystem querySystem;
[Inject] SetDestinationBarrier setDestinationBarrier;
[Inject] PathSuccessBarrier pathSuccessBarrier;
[Inject] PathErrorBarrier pathErrorBarrier;
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate (JobHandle inputDeps)
inputDeps = new DetectNextWaypointJob { data = data, needsWaypoint = needsWaypoint.ToConcurrent(), navMeshQuerySystemVersion = querySystem.Version }.Schedule (data.Length, 64, inputDeps);
inputDeps = new SetNextWaypointJob { data = data, needsWaypoint = needsWaypoint }.Schedule (inputDeps);
inputDeps = new MovementJob (data, Time.deltaTime).Schedule (data.Length, 64, inputDeps);
return inputDeps;
/// <summary>
/// Used to set an agent destination and start the pathfinding process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entity"></param>
/// <param name="navData"></param>
/// <param name="destination"></param>
public void SetDestination (Entity entity, Agent agent, NavData navData, Position position, Vector3 destination, int areas = -1)
if (pathFindingData.TryAdd (entity.Index, new AgentData { index = entity.Index, entity = entity, agent = agent, navData = navData, position = position }))
agent.status = AgentStatus.PathQueued;
navData.destination = destination;
navData.queryVersion = querySystem.Version;
setDestinationBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().SetComponent(entity, agent);
setDestinationBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().SetComponent(entity, navData);
querySystem.RequestPath (entity.Index, position.Value, navData.destination, areas);
/// <summary>
/// Static counterpart of SetDestination
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entity"></param>
/// <param name="navData"></param>
/// <param name="destination"></param>
public static void SetDestinationStatic (Entity entity, Agent agent, NavData navData, Position position, Vector3 destination, int areas = -1)
instance.SetDestination (entity, agent, navData, position, destination, areas);
protected static NavAgentSystem instance;
protected override void OnCreateManager ()
instance = this;
querySystem.RegisterPathResolvedCallback (OnPathSuccess);
querySystem.RegisterPathFailedCallback (OnPathError);
needsWaypoint = new NativeQueue<AgentData> (Allocator.Persistent);
pathFindingData = new NativeHashMap<int, AgentData> (0, Allocator.Persistent);
protected override void OnDestroyManager ()
needsWaypoint.Dispose ();
pathFindingData.Dispose ();
private void SetWaypoint (Entity entity, Agent agent, NavData navData, Position position, Vector3[] newWaypoints)
waypoints[entity.Index] = newWaypoints;
agent.status = AgentStatus.Moving;
navData.nextWaypointIndex = 1;
navData.totalWaypoints = newWaypoints.Length;
navData.currentWaypoint = newWaypoints[0];
navData.remainingDistance = Vector3.Distance (position.Value, navData.currentWaypoint);
pathSuccessBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().SetComponent(entity, agent);
pathSuccessBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().SetComponent(entity, navData);
private void OnPathSuccess (int index, Vector3[] waypoints)
if (pathFindingData.TryGetValue (index, out AgentData entry))
SetWaypoint (entry.entity, entry.agent, entry.navData, entry.position, waypoints);
pathFindingData.Remove (index);
private void OnPathError (int index, PathfindingFailedReason reason)
if (pathFindingData.TryGetValue (index, out AgentData entry))
entry.agent.status = AgentStatus.Idle;
pathErrorBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().SetComponent(entry.entity, entry.agent);
pathFindingData.Remove (index);
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace NavJob.Components
public struct NavData : IComponentData
public float stoppingDistance;
public float moveSpeed;
public float acceleration;
public float rotationSpeed;
public int areaMask;
public float3 destination { get; set; }
public float currentMoveSpeed { get; set; }
public int queryVersion { get; set; }
public float3 nextPosition { get; set; }
public float remainingDistance { get; set; }
public float3 currentWaypoint { get; set; }
public int nextWaypointIndex { get; set; }
public int totalWaypoints { get; set; }
public NavData (
float stoppingDistance = 1f,
float moveSpeed = 4f,
float acceleration = 1f,
float rotationSpeed = 10f,
int areaMask = -1
this.stoppingDistance = stoppingDistance;
this.moveSpeed = moveSpeed;
this.acceleration = acceleration;
this.rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;
this.areaMask = areaMask;
destination = Vector3.zero;
currentMoveSpeed = 0;
queryVersion = 0;
nextPosition = new float3 (Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity);
remainingDistance = 0;
currentWaypoint = Vector3.zero;
nextWaypointIndex = 0;
totalWaypoints = 0;
public class NavDataComponent : ComponentDataWrapper<NavData> { }
using Unity.Entities;
public enum AgentStatus
Idle = 0,
PathQueued = 1,
Moving = 2,
Paused = 4
public struct Agent : IComponentData
public AgentStatus status { get; set; }
public class AgentComponent : ComponentDataWrapper<Agent> { }
I did the same for local avoidance and totally removed the rest. Let me know if there’s a problem, but it should work.