13 failed builds to ios :/

Last build had no errors but failed anyway :')

here is the end of the last build log

81: [Unity]   at UnityEditor.CloudBuild.Builder.Build () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
3382: [Unity] (Filename:  Line: -1)
3383: [Unity] executeMethod method UnityEditor.CloudBuild.Builder.Build threw exception.
3384: [Unity] Aborting batchmode due to failure:
3385: [Unity] executeMethod method UnityEditor.CloudBuild.Builder.Build threw exception.
3386: [Unity] ***Thread 'UnityLookForNewInputDevices' is still running!***
3387: [Unity] ***Thread was not cleaned up!***
3388: [Unity] empty()
3389: [Unity] (Filename: ./Runtime/Utilities/LinkedList.h Line: 180)
3390:  ! Unity player export failed!
3391: ! build of 'default-ios' failed. compile failed
3392: Publishing build 13 of darkoo/porodevbuild for target 'default-ios'...
3393: publishing finished successfully.
3394: uninstalling iOS credentials for darkoo/porodevbuild - default-ios
3395: MAC verified OK
3396: Removing certificate...
3397: Storing CACHE_PATH to cache key library_latest5
3398: done.
3399: Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
3400: postbuildstatus finished successfully.
3401: Deleting project workspace...
3402: Finished: FAILURE

PS. also almost all the builds that failed in I cloud did build locally on the mac miniā€¦ :confused:

what douse one need to do to get unity cloud build work!!

Try an android build in the cloud and see if it works. If it does then youll know it has to be just the ios side of things causing an issue.

I remember it took me a while to get ios to build. Had to add some linker flags and then disable bitcode i think it was.

Even now android builds first go after like 7 mins but the ios build takes about 30 mins. Fails. Then restarts and after another 20 mins completes. It seems to be getting better. It almost feels like its based on user usage. Like certain times of the day it works first go and other times it fails a lot.

All in all im quite happy with it though.