1px Gap Between 2D Sprites

I am creating a 2D game that consists of 2D tiles. Each tile is exactly 1 unit by 1 unit, and they are offset exactly 1 unit apart. However, when the camera moves around, there is occasionally a 1 pixel gap between random sprites. Is there any good way to fix this?

In The Name Of GOD
our world is the same,isn’t perfect.so change that ratio to 0.99 then all will be fixed:P
too late for answer but i had same problem to today.god helped
i put this here for the next person.hope you create games that make world better place:)

A bit late, but you can turn off Anti-Aliasing in Edit->Project Settings → Quality. You can also try to resize your camera (A scale of 4.0 did it for me, but any whole number should do)