1st Problem: OnLevelWasLoaded, method is getting called twice. 2nd: Loading PlayerPrefs

First Problem: As the title states, the method is getting called twice.

I have a scene, which have 2 doors. These doors have a script attached to them which has the OnLevelWasLoaded. When I enter this scene from another scene, the method gets called twice. My guess is that the script is being called from the 2 objects because they have the same script. (I’ve tested it with debug.log and it shows that the onlevelwasloaded was being called twice)

What I want to do is to make the method to get called only once from the door which I came into.

2nd Problem: I have trouble loading playerprefs. What I want to do is when I first enter the trigger (from scene1) which leads me to scene2, the playerprefs will won’t load. And when I enter another trigger from scene2 which leads me to scene 1, I want the playerprefs to load.

In short, I want the playerprefs to won’t load the first time i will enter a trigger to another scene, but will load on the future enters.

Here is the script I used, the onlevelwasloaded and playerprefs problem both exist in this script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class Position : MonoBehaviour {

	public Vector3 startPosition;
	public Transform playerPosition;
	public static Position Instance;
	public float PlayerX;
	public float PlayerY;
	public float PlayerZ;
	public float PlayerX2;
	public float PlayerY2;
	public float PlayerZ2;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {


	void OnLevelWasLoaded(){
		PlayerX2 = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerX2");
		PlayerY2 = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerY2");
		PlayerZ2 = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerZ2");
		PlayerX = (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerX"));
		PlayerY = (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerY"));
		PlayerZ = (PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerZ"));

		if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Save") == 1) {
			LoadPos ();
			PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Save", 0);
			PlayerPrefs.Save ();
		PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("Save", 1);
		PlayerPrefs.Save ();


	public void  LoadPos(){
			startPosition = new Vector3 (PlayerX2, PlayerY2, PlayerZ2);

			GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform.position = startPosition;
			PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll ();
			PlayerPrefs.Save ();

	public void SavePos(){
		PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerX2", PlayerX);
		PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerY2", PlayerY);
		PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerZ2", PlayerZ);
		PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("PlayerX", PosChar.Instance.PosX);
		PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("PlayerY", PosChar.Instance.PosY);
		PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("PlayerZ", PosChar.Instance.PosZ);
		PlayerPrefs.Save ();
		Debug.Log ("SAVED X:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerX") + " Y:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerY")  + " Z:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerZ"));
		Debug.Log ("Values for X2,Y2,Z2 X2:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerX2") + " Y2:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerY2")  + " Z2:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat ("PlayerZ2"));

	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){

		if (other.tag == "Player") {

			if (gameObject.name == "FromCityToLiving") {
				SavePos ();
				SceneManager.LoadScene ("living room");
				Debug.Log (gameObject.name);

			else if (gameObject.name == "FromLivingToBedroom") {
				SavePos ();
				SceneManager.LoadScene ("bedroom");
				Debug.Log (gameObject.name);

			else if (gameObject.name == "FromBedroomToLiving") {
				SavePos ();
				SceneManager.LoadScene ("living room");
				Debug.Log (gameObject.name);

			else if (gameObject.name == "FromLivingToCity") {
				SavePos ();
				SceneManager.LoadScene ("city");
				Debug.Log (gameObject.name);



Since no one replied with an answer, I managed to figure out how to solve the two problem.

For the first problem, I created a singleton which holds the method OnLevelWasLoaded() and removed this method on the two scripts. So everytime I will change scene, instead putting the method on a door trigger, I putted it in the singleton so it will be called once from there.

Second problem, From the same singleton, I created a variable, which will increment every time OnLevelWasLoaded is called, and made a decision block which will only proceed if the level/scene was loaded twice and above.

Hope this will serve as a future reference for you guys.