2.5 pricing

I’m reading the blogs, and see mention of 2.5. Does anyone know if 2.x owners get that as a free upgrade? I’m trying to buy the iPhone add-on, (the store won’t let me because I don’t have my serial number with me), but I’m worried that I’ll buy that and then later have to buy a 2.5 upgrade in order for it to work well with the iPhone add-on. Might it make sense to wait until after 2.5 is released?

It’s my understanding that we get all 2.x upgrades for free. So there shouldn’t be any problem.


Unity Tech only charges for major updates (i.e. not until 3.0), so there is no need to wait until 2.5.

Interesting, where can I find that blog?

Possibly Miguel de Icaza’s weblog