2.5D Shooter: Muzzle Flash prototype Updated 00:19GMT :)

Hi all, I’ve started work on a 2.5d shooter in my free time… and I’ve just knocked up a quick prototype for the muzzle flashes etc… All of the stuff is obviously placeholder atm (especially the “gun” haha) but I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out!

I’ll be posting regular updates here as well as on my website (which I believe is linked below in my sig)

anyways… let me know what you think!


just a quick update of how things have progressed since earlier…


Thought I may aswell just put a web build up too…


W and S rotate the “gun” hehe and LMB for shooty fun

Ok, this really is my last update for the night… I really should sleep now :wink:
I added some variation to the position so that the shadows now cast a little more convincingly and randomly


SLEEP!!! :slight_smile:

Ok just adding an update in the form of a screen grab of the latest build.

I’m going to be doing a talk at Unite about my experience of unity from the perspective of a complete newbie to programming… so I’ll be demoing the full build then.

Maybe this thing needs an eplilepsy warning? seriously… be cautious… it does contain flashing imagery



Just with the “2.5D shooter” you got my attention!
Looks nice, waiting for more… :wink:

updated with a screenshot

I’ve been trying to do something like this for a while, can you post the specs for the particle emitter (I’m assuming that’s how you did it…)? That would be very helpful!

hey… yeah I’ll try and do a little tutorial tomorrow and post it up here