I found 2 major issues with plastic scm (using cloud in new UI)
When you delete someone’s branch plastic will freak out for that person
Steps to repro:
Have 2 people in a repo
Have person 1 make branch and set that branch as active workspace
Close plastic
Have person 2 delete that branch
Have person 1 start up plastic
result: Person hets a lot of issues, errors and crashes. Only fix was to make a new branch with the same name, let plastic crash and the branch is there again
Desired result: popup given about the issue and set main as active branch
Renaming scripts folder deleted all my scripts?
I made a folder called ‘scripts’ and worked from this. Later on I renamed it to ‘Scripts’ to align the notation with other folders in the project.
After working for a bit without any issues I now see that all my scripts are deleted and only a part of that can be recovered!
Not sure what the exact repro case is here
EDIT: The second issue is probably explained poorly. My second branch still has all the scripts, but there are not changes left to merge to main. In main the scripts are not there. How can I get my scripts to my main branch if the merges say there is nothing to merge
After switching active workspaces twice the files did show up. maybe an issue with switching
For 1)
Plastic SCM ideology has historically been about preserving history and not deleting branches, etc. That being said, it is no excuse for the application “freaking out” I agree this is a bug and will share this with the team.
For 2)
This seems odd, if you can track down a repro case for it I would be greatly appreciative. I bet this is an OS specific issue. Are you using Mac?
Unfortunately, I have been unable to reproduce this behaviour on the latest version of Plastic with the new GUI. For me, an error appears stating that the object no longer exists, as you’d expect, but then the application behaves as normal and allows you to switch branches.
If you are able to consistently reproduce this issue, please report this to us (with repro steps) to support@plasticscm.com.