2 planes existing/overlapping

I have a terrain and a flat object that I want to seamlessly transition between. When I put them at exact same Y position with some overlap they create a very erratic and jagged pattern as if they are both fighting to be on top.
How Can i prioritise one over the other and make them work together?

What you’re describing is called Z-fighting. The simplest solution is to move your plane slightly closer to the camera. If you can’t do that, you might need to cut a hole in your terrain where the plane goes, using a stencil buffer or some such trick.

Thanks, I’m hearing a lot of moving one item closer but I need the flat plan for my car and I don’t want a bump. I’ll investigate other options if that doesn’t suit.

Well, remember that the colliders don’t have to be exactly the same as the visual mesh. That can help you avoid a bump in cases like this.

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