- do either of the Iphone licenses support network connectivity using the RPC other built in unity multiplayer objects (I was under the impression that neither of them did, but then read something on the UT site about the iphone advanced license supporting sockets)
2.I’ve seen various mentions of adding in splash screen movies via xcoding the package which the unity build gives you and adding in the appropriate code.
how does that sit with the unity licenses as regards the basic iphone license or r the ppl who do that only doing it using the advanced license?
on the verge of getting the basic iphone license just wanna weigh up the benefits of the advanced license (which will effectively cost 3k as I’m on indie / basic unity license atm
Neither of the iPhone licenses support the Unity RPC calls. Advanced does support .NET sockets but Basic doesn’t.
The regular unity networking thought was mentioned to happen for iPhone Advance in the future.
Alternatively, you could start with the iPhone indie license, develop (and release?) an app, and upgrade for the difference later on if you so choose–possibly using sales profits…
How realistic is it to expect to make 3k on a unity indie game, are there any examples? (I know theres the unity game in appstore thread but short of trawling each one its kinda hard to see which is indie which is pro.
the snowboard game as well as the bubble game both started out with iPhone Basic and got later updated to iPhone Advanced
wow (just dloaded the lite version was blown away by that.)
so r u saying that the upgrade to full unity pro + iphone advanced was paid for by the sales from the indie version?
No, but from the sales from iPhone Basic at least as they mentioned in related threads.
Indie does not deploy to the iphone.