2 texture blend shader

I’m using this shader with 2 texture that blend together:

Shader "Blend 2 Textures, Simply Lit" { 
Properties {
	_Color ("Color Tint (A = Opacity)", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
	_Blend ("Blend", Range (0,1)) = 0.0 
	_MainTex1 ("Texture1", 2D) = "" 
	_MainTex2 ("Texture2", 2D) = ""
Category {
	Material {
	// iPhone 3GS and later
	SubShader {
	Tags {Queue = Transparent}
    ZWrite On
    Cull Off
    Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
	Pass {
		Lighting On
		SetTexture[_MainTex2] { 
			ConstantColor (0,0,0, [_Blend]) 
			Combine texture Lerp(constant) previous
		SetTexture[_] {Combine previous * primary Double}
	// pre-3GS devices, including the September 2009 8GB iPod touch
		Pass {
			SetTexture[_MainTex2] {
				ConstantColor (0,0,0, [_Blend])
				Combine texture Lerp(constant) previous
		Pass {
			Lighting On
			Blend DstColor SrcColor


How can change _MainTex2 with a script. Unity can change only MainTexture…
It is possible to change also Blend value with script?

You can use material.SetFloat(“_Blend”, value) to set the blend value in script:

and you can do the same for changing a subtexture by using material.SetTexture(“_MainTex2”, texure):

You an use Material.SetTexture() and Material.SetFloat()

renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex2", tex);
renderer.material.SetFloat("Blend", 0.25f);