2 towers, same script, 1 problem

Hi guys ! I have a problem that i cant resolve myself ! Im working on a tower defense, i have my first tower done with its script, works perfectly. Im using a List to put de ennemies of the wave in. The problem is when i make a second tower ( the same as the first ) it doesnt get the ennemies in the List. They only go in the first tower’s script. I dont know why it doesnt work for the same tower…! I hope one of you can resolve this ! Thanks ! Here’s my code

using UnityEngine;

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class RangedAttackAllied : MonoBehaviour


public List targets;

private GameObject missile;
private GameObject[] missileArray;
private Transform closestEnemy;
public float towerRange;
public float attackSpeed;
public Transform towerGunTip;
private Vector3 targetLookAt = new Vector3(0,0,0);
private float nextDamageEvent;
private float attackDelay = 5.0f;
private float dist;

void Start()
	towerGunTip = transform;

public void DeselectedUnit(Transform unit)

void Update()
	attackDelay += Time.deltaTime;	

void FixedUpdate () 
    if(targets.Count > 0) 
		targets.Sort(delegate(Transform t1, Transform t2)
	        	return Vector3.Distance(t2.position, transform.position)
	              .CompareTo(Vector3.Distance(t1.position, transform.position));
		closestEnemy = targets[0];
		if(targets[0] != null)
			targetLookAt.x = closestEnemy.transform.position.x;
			targetLookAt.y = transform.position.y;
			targetLookAt.z = closestEnemy.transform.position.z;
			if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, closestEnemy.transform.position) < towerRange)
				if (attackDelay >= attackSpeed)
		         	attackDelay = 0;
					DOM.Instance.GetObject("banana", towerGunTip.position, towerGunTip.rotation);
					missile = DOM.Instance.GetObject("banana", towerGunTip.position, towerGunTip.rotation);


I suggest you create a GameManager class that’s attached to an empty game object.
Use this to store the enemies in a List.

When you instantiate your tower just get the enemy list from the GameManager class.