[20% madness sale] Renderator v 1.06

Renderator Pro is finally in asset store :slight_smile:
Renderator free is also in asset store
Renderator is an addon (render engine) which allows you to render with higher resolution than your screen have. It’s provedes you to make 4k 60FPS videos of you Game window in unity’s editor, or even larger (10000x5000 in video for example). So you can make easly wallpapers, commersials or even present your assets in higher resolution, whatever your screen is. Just add that one script on your camera, do some quick setup and click play button, renderator will do rest :slight_smile: Output is .png 24 bits file so you get best quality.
There will be no matter framerate like there is show on video.
Inside project there will be some basics scene which will show how it’s work with animation, physics, changing lights on PBR materials.
There will be 2 versions:

  1. Free - simple solution but will need some manual work, “how to” will be explained inside “readme” file.
  2. Pro - fully automatic like on video :slight_smile:
    Few links to renders made with it in unity, be sure to zoom on them :wink:

Inside script important stuff is explained.
There will be two versions: Polski & English :slight_smile:
Tested on personal version of unity (free).

Here is link to the video, it should be in asset store soon :slight_smile:

It’s working with unity’s Game window in editor, so it’s compatible with every asset.
If you do a little tricky you can make them with transparent background but later will be more about it.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet That one have got alpha channel.


Cool idea, would be handy for games marketing.

Thanks for your opinion, if you would like to see something on upgarde, which isn’t presented here, feel free :slight_smile:

I’m sending video how renderator PRO is working on my old notebook, His spec. is:
2x4Gb of RAM
geforce gt 630M
1366x768 screen
In practise I can play here Battlefield 3 on normal or Borderlands 2 on low.
As you may see on video I’ve got here viking village which runs slowly even in editor here, on gamelpay have less than 10 FPS but it’s still rendering. It’s taking here over 2 seconds per frame to render 4k, at the end you may see I started rendering 4200 frames.

Now when I’m sending this rendering is finished and I still have got notebook :slight_smile: so now time to make video from this and then I will post result here :slight_smile:

Ok, just uploaded on youtube this 4k 60 FPS rendered on 720p <10 FPS :smile:

Edit: it should be in 4k 60 fps soon, youtube must eat this :slight_smile:

That how look like test scene, on first camera turnable monkey model, rotating 30 degrees per second, on second physics an light updating. If you turn on/off cameras be sure light bake will update. Into cameras I have parented all scene objects so you don’t have to jump between scenes just turn on camera.
Last improvement for now is simple wireframe script which allows you to make wireframe videos :slight_smile: It’s making colors of edges like model has so if you want it black just change material into model :wink:

If you don’t need it just import renderator srcipts, readme files and sound. I’m starting publishing it now.

Just submited PRO version, thanks everyone for voting. We’ve got draw between 3 choices so price will be the middle one :slight_smile: 20$ Now time to submit FREE (limited) version.

Now waiting to accept both.
Here will be simple comparsion both versions:
Both allows you to make supersized screenshot - normal mode, wireframe, with transparent background. Both working on any pc which can run unity, renders are in 24 bits png to give best quality. Both are in two languages (polish, english), scripts have comments to let you know a little, also tere are Readme files. And you get free monkey head in PBR :slight_smile:
But on free version you must make the right size you Game window manually, it’s also limited to make one render per gameplay.
Pro version set dimensions of your Game window automaticly and always highest possible to give you best result.
Second advantage is you have no freeezing, lag on final output, for example if you want to make turnable sequence you will not have even one frame shift, which you may see on videos above, viking village was rendered on my old notebook.
Third advantage is it’s automaticly making breaks between renders to give you fastest rendering (speed depends on pc power offcourse :slight_smile: ).

Very nice work!
It will work on standalone player?

Thanks :slight_smile: At version 1.00 it’s dedicated to work in editor, but who knows what will be next :slight_smile: Offcourse you may modify it to your usage. If you build game with that it will rendering on scene load (where the script is) but as you may see, when I was rendering viking village on my notebook it starded after I changed camera to fly mode. At the moment all you have to do is probably change file path (I’m not sure the “Screnshots” folder will be after buiding).

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Still waiting for respond from asset store but now I can say renderator FREE on version 1.01 will render on button press (or just like now) so you will be able to take more than one screenshot from one gameplay, for example for different camera transform :slight_smile:

While waiting I made another video with renderator PRO :slight_smile:

Packcage has been declined. There was some issues with missing files and images wasn’t correct. I posted both version in the same time, maybe that wasn’t good. Anyway, now posted pro version to review, tomorrow will post free one and will see what happen :slight_smile:
I don’t know what youtube made with video I’ve last posted so here is new one of last movie rendered with that asset:

release the free one on github or any other filehost

That may be solution, thanks. Will see what next time they respond :slight_smile:

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Renderator Pro is avalaible in asset store :slight_smile:

the gameplay recording is directly from the editor or it runs frame by frame or how it works ?

You are preparing your game trailer or lets focus on asset presentation. You set up everything like you would use external screen recorder. But external recorder has limitation of your screen resolution and framerate. Renderator PRO rendering your gameplay when you press CTRL+P/CMD+P from editor (you jump to gameplay), it’s doing it frame by frame whatever resolution and framerate you want and save .png 24 bits into folder :slight_smile: Accurate description step by step is inside project :slight_smile:
Just drag&drop script on camera, do few steps and go. it’s almost “plug and play” so it’s compatible with any asset/game :slight_smile:
Renderator free is just released but it’s not making animations, only screenshots but still in highest resolution.

Renderator Free is also avalaible in asset store :slight_smile:

If you would you like to see new stuff in update please talk about it :slight_smile: