After checking out some of the stuff that faultymoose was able to create in such a short time I have decided to dust off my brain and try and tackle Unity.
I’ve always wanted to be a game developer but my family and bills come first so I had to take a software developer job instead.
So my goal is to try and learn Unity as fast as I can and produce a game that I can sell on iPhone or Android.
I have been a developer for over 20 years and I’m currently working as a c# developer so I won’t have any issues with picking up the scripting. Where I do lack skills is the 3D and art side of things. If anyone is interested in joining me for the ride then let me know and we can learn together. I’m not looking for another coder as I want to handle all coding jobs because its the only way I will learn.
Now I said I wanted to learn as fast as I could but I also have a family so I’m looking at about 2-3 hours a night and maybe 4-5 hours on the weekend. I know if I spent 60 hours a week I would be done a lot faster but family comes first. I’m looking at about 20 hours a week for Unity.
I will be posting stuff on here as I go along and start learning new and cool things. Some good and some bad ones I’m sure. Feel free to offer suggestions or comment to some of the things I post. As I said I’m learning as I go along so I’m sure there will be better ways to do things or I’ll screw up something. So feel free to let me know about better methods or useful tools or scripts to use.
If anyone has any free objects and textures let me know. As I said I’m not a graphics guy so I will need lots of 3D objects. I would like to build something with a cartoon feel so my 6 year old can play it. I’m not looking to build a FPS or anything rated teen+.
I’ll try and post my first update tonight when I get home. I’m going to fire up Unity and play around with some of the training demos I have been using. I signed up for Digital Tutors the other week and have been going through the videos and I’m getting close to starting my own project.
Hy and welcome to Unity…Now a days there are a great amount of resources where you can learn Unity from,
20 hours a week is not realy much I’m putting 15h a day into Unity at the moment and time seems to never be enough so I’m not sure that you will be able to develop your game as fast as you wish but you will get there .
Ya I figure my C# background might help a bit. If you know of any other good Unity training site let me know. I’m paying $45 a month for Digital so anything free would be nice.
I built a little FPS level with my training so I’m starting get the hang of moving around in Unity and snapping the objects. I have added the textures, lighting and collision. My next step is adding the animated doors and start to get into the scripting side of things.
Its starting to look cool but its not my game so until I build my own it won’t have that cool factor.
Hey mfawn, thanks for the compliment If it helps, I came to Unity as an artist. It took me about a year of dabbling to get to my first ‘game’, but I expect for you that process will be much faster. Can I suggest you start a dev diary? It can be a great way to track your progress and keep up the motivation, and it creates a community around your work. At any rate, I really look forward to following your progress!
The good thing about this guy is he also sells all the scripts for his tutorials for only $10 on that site. You couldn’t do better to learn than his site I think.
Alot of this all depends on what you want to do , like if you want to make a game that has a good starter kit that fits, buy the starter kit, then commision some art and pray that it sells well .
I wouldn’t waste your time learning 3D modelling. Stick to programming and get someone who knows what they’re doing to do your game art for you.
I spent weeks learning Maya and after about a month was still battling. Even after trying to make a few things they just turned out crap. I couldn’t even model a turd.
It’s perhaps worth doing a little bit just to get an understanding of how it’s done, but from one programmer to another, stick to what you know and excel at it. Let pros be pros.
tbh, you probably dont need any tutorials. I think I got about halfway through lerpz tutorial before doing my own thing. Im a 12 year+ Developer, so in a similar situation to you (minus the family). Working full time job, doing Unity at nights when I can. I go through phases of working hard, then not working at all.
Once you get the hang of the basics… movement/rotation/physics, its all just a case of getting better with them, then moving on to advanced features, which as a dev, you wont have any trouble figuring out. If you get stuck on a anything, a quick google will usually give you a solution.