I’m starting to think we ain’t getting a 2017.2p1 this week…
I’m still on 2017.1x and nobody can blame me.
I now all ways wait for the first patch of a new release and check the forums a few days after before moving to a new release as the history has thought me that Unity often releases to soon. I have spend to much time trying to fix problems in my project that where update related in the past. I waisted many hours i won’t get back.
Alternatively, you could also open a copy of your project in a recent beta version. If you run into an issue, submit a bug-report.
This allows Unity Technologies to sort out more issues during the beta cycle and enables them to provide more stable “final” releases.
True. If i had the time i would. I can spend around 11 hours a week on my project and been working for 4 years on it. I just don’t have the time to test new beta versions. Then again Beta versions are released as final while there are known issues still open. Mostly fixed only after first patch.
We’ve hit some forehead-smacking bugs that probably shouldn’t have made it out the door in an ‘f’ release, and the forums are fairly blunt that Editor performance on both Mac and Windows is very poor for a lot of devs posting, ourselves included.
With the terrible performance and bugs that we’re experiencing with 2017.2.0f3 I’m not sure that a regular, less-tested patch release will address enough issues to be really useful. Hopefully the next update is a big one, possibly a full release rather than a regular patch.
We stuck with 2017.1.x for most of our projects too… my drives are increasingly littered with various Unity releases that are only useful for specific projects
Friendly reminder to the people at Unity, it has come to my attention that you’ve forgotten about the 2017.2p1 release.
Can we AT LEAST get a response telling us the status of this patch-release? Our update has been delayed 2 weeks. If we had only known that you were delaying this update - indefinitely, we would have gone back to 5.5.0 for the duration.
EDIT (new issue): (still not fixed in 2017.2p1)
I’m baffled. So while waiting for this patch release, I thought: “Good time to see if we can port the project to UWP”. Haha! I couldn’t have been more wrong! This issue is apparently now stopping me from building IL2CPP to UWP (Look closer and you see that this issue was discovered in BETA(wish I could make the font bigger), yet not fixed for final?). Read more here about the issue.
Again, I had to spend hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Can I expect that this is fixed in the next patch release @Tautvydas-Zilys ?
My taskbar right now:
Also, @JoshPeterson you wrote here:
“This bug report happens only with the new scripting runtime, which is experimental.[…]”.
This is my settings:
I have not chosen the experimental “Scripting Runtime Version” as you can see. Yet I get the documented error when building for UWP.
EDIT 2 (new issue): (fixed in 2017.2p1)
I wish I was making this stuff up. Since I can’t release an update, since I can’t port the game to UWP. I was now in the process of adding a new level to the game. Ohh but wait. I now can’t multi-select GameObjects with different scales without them moving according to their own scale. But fear not, there’s already an NOT REPRODUCIBLE issue here. See gif below:
I don’t think Sara is the community manager anymore, it seems to be @Buhlaine . Would you be able to give us an update for 2017.2 patches? We are dying here!
Slowly but surely getting tempted by other engines.
Our development is entirely halted due to 2017.2 bugs.
AAAAAND ITS “LIVE”!!! According to this: Unity Patch Releases page-5 but it’s not available for download yet it seems.
Its now available for download!
Myself and @aliceingameland are Community Managers here to help out!
This patch had hit a few show stoppers apparently, but as @Maisey said above it is live now! You can always follow this page to be alerted when a new patch release is out.
For anyone interested, tabbing between fields is finally working again So far general Editor performance still seems fairly poor compared to previous versions (on OSX).
Or subscribe to the Patch Releases RSS:
Obviously it had a few show stopper, but we, the paying customers could have really used some info regarding, why and when a new patch-release would be released, or at the very least, a post saying “we found lots of bugs, therefore we can’t estimate a date at this time”.
Installing 2017.1.2 to see if I’m able to build to UWP. The IL2CPP issue does not seem to have been fixed. Is 2017.2p2 coming soon?