2018.1 SRP and terrains

Hi there,
the HD render pipeline is not supporting terrains at the moment but I want to create a photorealistic biom environment using the megascan (quixel) objects.

How should i create the ground? Should if even use the unity terrain system? The terrain is supported with the lightweight render pipeline but this render pipeline is created for weaker devices should i use it anyway?


You should use classic modelling techniques. I’ve moved this to the new world building forum from beta / feedback as it’s not actually feedback since HDRP doesn’t support it as you know.

Some suggestions that you could use part or all of:

  • create a basic mesh floor in probuilder or DCC of choice
  • use HDRP lit (layered) shader to blend various textures together for the “terrain” mesh
  • kitbash the assets by placing them in creative ways

I can share my experience. So far the only option with HD SRP is creating a bunch of meshes as ground and use the LayeredLit ( w or w/o tessellation ).
You have even to prepare all the maps for the Lit shader ( M(R) AO(G) D(B) S(A) )
Graphical quality is excellent But I would not suggest using in production, only for practice or showcase.

Agreed, we are using HDRP but we know exactly what we are doing and keep an eye firmly on github. People just curious or dabbling can expect a few broken bits and lack of supporting certain things :slight_smile:

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Alright, thank you :slight_smile:

One more question. The quixel terrain materials contain a displacement map. Is there a native way in 2018.1 to use it? I mean displacement is kind of tessellation or? And as far as i know unity isn’t supporting it from default.


Yes displacement is what you want. There is a choice of pixel or tessellated displacement.

And is there a moderate way to achieve this? I think the default shaders do not support it or? Maybe i can create a shader using the new graph editor? I have seen there is a free tess shader in the asset store for the quixel stuff but that one isn’t game ready.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Do you mean using the default existing render pipeline? In that case, you can find a lot of good options on the asset store, for terrain or meshes

How do you deal with LOD? Maybe the thread should be renamed to Garden Building :slight_smile:


Hello, i haven’t used 2018.1 yet but i see you are talking about flat terrains, or did proBuilder add terrain tools?

There are no terrain tools announced yet but do keep an eye on the blog.

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Hello, we are started project and look to the future. We want use HDRP but have some troubles with terrain.
Are you planning to fix the terrain in the future? Becouse if “yes” we will start develop on HDRP and create tarrain when you fix it.
p.s. I don’t find information about terrain on roadmap.

Thank you!

The Roadmap talk at Unite today had info about this. I took some screenshots from the stream, see this post for them: #15

Thank you, it’s good news for me.