[2018.2][BUG] Spaces in project folder makes it unable to open the correct project in VSCode

Just updated to 2018.2 and when I open my scripts through the editor I get this: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Correct would be this: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

My project folder is named “Saucy - Hellway” and VSCode opens the script I want to open plus creates new files for “Saucy”, “-”, and “Hellway”.
If I rename the project folder without the spaces it works and opens the correct project in VSCode again.

Unity v2018.2.0f2
VSCode 1.25.0

The Problem with namespace will be fixed in “next weeks” according to Unity developer. But i have the same problem without space in project name :frowning:

Make sure that no folder in the entire path leading up to and including project folder has a space in the name. That seems to work for me.

Same problem here.