2018.3b4 is not available through Hub

i cannot access it from Unity Hub, this is what i see:

Maybe it’s because i already have the previous beta? i will try to remove it.

EDIT: i just removed beta 3 but it’s the same (only offers to download beta 3 again).

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Same here.
I downloaded it manually, and moved it into the Hub area, and the Hub recognises it.
Would still be nice to install it easily via the Hub.

Yeah, UnityHub is always lagging behind a little bit. Be patient, it will come to the Hub as well. In the mean time you can download it manually.

More than 12 hours :frowning:

Not lagging. You have to close it. In dock close it and open anew.

I even restarted the computer. Still nada

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is it possible to save installer downloaded through HUB for future install?

Yeah, there seems to be a problem. It should have been there yesterday. The team is looking into it.

That shouldn’t be necessary. Different versions within the beta cycle are treated as distinct versions.

No, not at this time.

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nothing yet :slight_smile:

It does show up now (restart Hub if you don’t see it)

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yeh i have it now as well. awesome :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s been fixed :).

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Awesome. Thanks!

The same thing happened in the previous beta.

Tbh, previous beta was bit different. Editor got the info early and would tell there was a newer version (and download link was easy to figure out from the message) but they didn’t actually put release post or RSS announcement out before it really was there. Hub itself has always lagged behind from 30 minutes to few hours. I hope they can make that instant and synced with the announcements in the future.

@rz_0lento To me it had exactly the same behaviour. I got the b3 release info on the editor and nothing on Hub for at least 12h.

Hopefully you can automate the release starting from the next release so every new release will automatically add to the Unity Hub.


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Same thing today I got a notification for 2018.3.0b5

Looking forward to the download :slight_smile:

The download should work, it’s just not available in the Hub yet. That will follow later today.

Do you have the download link? Its not on the beta website page yet, I see only b4 there.
I just have to be more patient :slight_smile: