Hi, for some reason, when creating something like an Input field, the “On Value Changed” and “On End Edit” do not show dynamic functions/strings when putting a game object with a script attached to it into the slot. I took a look on Unity 2019 and all the dynamic functions came up to choose for OnValueChanged events. Am I missing or something or is this a bug in 2018.4.9f1 LTS? Here is a picture of what I’m talking about, this is in Unity 2019.1.0f2 and the Dynamic strings show but in 2018.4.9f1 I can’t see them.
It sounds like it could be this bug Unity Issue Tracker - UnityEvent drawer no longer handles events in non-public fields correctly
we fixed it in 2018.4.11f1
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@karl_jones so there is no LTS version that has it working? Isn’t this a very serious bug? Or is there a way around this so I don’t have to update my entire game to a new version which isn’t LTS. I can’t seem to find a download link in the archive for 2018.4.11f1.
2018.4 is an LTS version. All .4 are LTS.
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2018.4.11f1 is LTS. It was released today https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/lts-releases
@karl_jones I just downloaded 2018.4.11f1 and the issue is still present for me.
I just tested 2018.4.11f1 and its working for me
Could you try one of the UI Components such as the Input Field?