2018.4 Prefab Editing In Project Browser?

Any chance 2018.4 will get the fix enabling prefabs to be edited in the project browser windows? This issue has been addressed here ( Unity Issue Tracker - Editing prefabs directly in the project browser is no longer possible ), but apparently has only been implemented in 2019? I don’t see why it couldn’t also be included in 2018.4 since it doesn’t really add any major changes that would seemingly break anything.

“Prefabs: You can now edit the root GameObject of a Prefab directly from the Project browser, without going into Prefab Mode. This supports multi-GameObject editing as well. (1120805, 1120807)”

Any chance of this happening?


And just for the record, your voting is lacking options. I’m working on 2019 and I don’t care about prefab editing in the scene/inspector, I’m happy with the prefab editing mode, it’s so much better.

The “I plan on upgrading” includes those who have already upgraded. Didn’t need to split it apart even more.

But thanks for the link, haven’t seen that pot before and looks good.