2018 LTS webgl building makes the editor unresponsive for a long time

On windows the webgl build process seems to be much slower than previously OR the progress bars no longer function properly.
Because half way through the build process the editor ‘locks up’ and shows as unresponsive in task manager.
If I wait several minutes the build (llvm.exe, llc.exe etc.) finishs off in the background but the whole experience is very bad and I killed the Unity process a couple of times before just leaving it to find it would eventually respond again after making a build via separate processes.

Please make 2018 a better experience for building to webgl!

Edit: Then on closing the editor it gets stuck in a not-responding state, no errors just locked up indefinitely! Bug

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I am currently using Unity 2018.4.19f1 and stuck to it due to this same issue.

This version works fine for WebGL builds. I tested Unity 2018.4.27f1 today and same issue as well. WebGL building process takes much more time to export build as compared with Unity 2018.4.19f1 and then editor wont play and you then have to end task and restart Unity editor. Please FIX!

Guessing 2018 a bit dead now with only periodic updates, 2019 LTS seems better.
Though don’t ever expect short build times! Is web assembly really so much better than js?!

Web assembly is better indeed. Also planing to move on 2019 LTS. But 2019 has much more changes for WebGL builds. Unity Blog

I don’t think the output is much different from 2018 LTS to 2019 and the project stays much the same, but the editor is better with more feedback on progress and probably less buggy.

I honestly think 2018 fell off a cliff somewhere through 2018.4 as you see, because now it crashes or becomes unresponsive and I have reported bugs but no fixes.

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Why are you stuck with 2018? Use 2020 already, there are many WebGL improvements.

I think much more testing will be needed as some unknown issues might be there.

Major project involves step-by-step upgrade cycle. Will be getting onto 2019 first as plugins get upgraded as well and then after to 2020 when plugins will be upgraded.