2019.1.0a12 Can't find Android SDK build-tools

even preferences shows its selected as recommended… what am I missing?

unfortunately, there is an error when installing the Android tools with the Hub. This error should be fixed in the next iteration of the Hub.
In the meantime, could you try manually re-installing the build tools and the platforms by making sure the files can be found here:

This should fix the first error you get about the build tools not being found.
However, I am not sure if this will fix the path too long error. If you still encounter it, please ping here again.


Thanks that does actually get it working again,

“However, I am not sure if this will fix the path too long error” no error about that shows up now.

Still the project I was upgrading to test this on just seems to not work at all on android now, just black screen and no unity splash screen before it crashes with error “SubDx has stopped” on android. In testing an empty project on 2019.1 with android it worked fine with just a cube and the splash screen loading, so I guess it’s just my old project that doesn’t have any errors in editor when playing but something ain’t right on android with the build.

With the android logcat tool… much easier to get the logs now …

Can you report a bug with repro project attached? for some reason you have textures with unknown format, not sure how could that happen.

It was an old project that I never finished, not sure from what version…anyway it’s submitted… haven’t had a return email on it yet for the code/url to the report

…case 1110756

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When you say an old version, you mean like Unity 5.x?

Generally Unity doesn’t perform well when upgrading from far away versions, like for ex., it’s not advisable to upgrade from Unity 5.x right away to Unity 2019.x, you need to upgrade first to Unity 2017.x, then to Unity 2018.x and finally to Unity 2019.x

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Pretty sure it was 2018.1 anyway project is uploaded

Good to know. Btw what is the suggested upgrade procedure for Unity 4.6.4 project? Unity 4.6.4 → Unity 5.6.0 → Unity 2017.3.0 → Unity 2018.3.0?

The safest way is to do incremental upgrades and to go through all the major versions (-> 4.7 → 5.0 → 5.1 → …). It makes solving the issues easier as you don’t get as overwhelmed with problems.

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:hushed: OMG. That’s a lot of Unity versions.

i have same issues in latest official released unity 2019.1.0f2 and unfortunately your solution doesn’t solved my problem

I also have a question, now, wherever I do, everything dispatches me to Unity Hub, but it’s hopeless, nothing works. For example I also have an Android sdk warning message.

I open the Hub, and I see there are no buttons to download modules

then I deleted the my version, and then the button turned up, but in this case hab installs a separate 2019 version somewhere in the documents, which does not sit well with me too

until 2019 I’ve done without the Hub, but today nothing works without Hub and troubles with Hub I also have

Same like ashik5g. Doesn’t work. Seriously, Unity. How could you mess this up? So I can’t test / build / ship my Apps. For me, it’s not THAT bad. Tedious yes, but not terrible. But I’m not that guy who needs to be reliable on a “working Engine” currently → And for this project. But PLEASE fix this ASAP.

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Yeah, the hub is VERY crappy. Always have been since I used it the first time.
I see that Unity wants to rip off Unreal’s Launcher, which works like a charm. There’s some homework to do.

But (to end positively) I know Unity will do it right. … hopefully :wink:

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Suffering from same issue,
Your installer doesnt download android sdks and Hub never recognize that android sdks are missing, and when we manually download then it says its not supported.

please provide a link in the editor so we know which is actually supported.

please provide direct links for macOS based unity including ndk.

I’m having the same issue, has anyone managed to solve it?