2019.3b4 doesnt pick up existing pro license/shows blank serial in the about box...

Is it normal that the Unity beta ( 2019.3b4 in this case specifically ) does not pick up my pro license on the machine ? All other versions i have installed ( from U5 up to latest Unity 2019.2f6 ) pick up my license without any problem.
The 2019.3b4 i just installed simply says “Trial license” and does’nt show any serial number info in the about box …All other versions show the correct serial there and work as full licenses…
Anyone have a clue ?

Its the first time i try a beta since a long time, so i cant say if this is specific to 2019.3b4 but i guess not…

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. We are investigating the issue and will get back to you shortly.

Thank you

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I’ve had this issue since 2019.3.0 a11 or a12. It still happens on all betas too, including latest b5 released today and 2020.1 alphas. 2019.2 and older find the license just fine.

I’ve contacted Unity support few times for this and response has been that it’s a known issue related to their licensing system change etc but apparently they’ve been bit too optimistic on fix ETA so far as it’s still totally broken for me on my Unity Plus.

There is no public issue to track either so flying blind here, I’d hope to get some public item to track so wouldn’t need to ask support for updates on the issue.

@rz_0lento Sorry for the trouble you went through. As per the blank serial number in the about box, the fix for this should be in the latest beta release (2019.3.0b5) that was released today. Here’s a screenshot of it working on my machine. Can you please double check that you have indeed been running the latest beta version?

Thank you

Hi @Matin ,
the serial number now shows up in the About Unity dialog on b5 but the license type is displayed as Unity Pro (Trial) as it was on your screenshot. Also the Unity editor titlebar still says “Unity 2019.3.0b5 Trial Version”.

@rz_0lento That’s great news about the issue for empty SN in the About menu being resolved. Concerning the license type displaying as Unity Pro (Trial) and “Trial Version” appearing on the title bar, we have identified the issue and it will be fixed within the next releases. Alternatively, you can follow up on that issue on this thread . Thank you for your understanding.


This is still an issue in b7

This is finally fixed now on 2020.1.0a12, still broken on 2019.3.0b10 but they’ll probably backport the fix soon.