I apologize for posting this Answers issue query here but currently the Answers forum is not allowing me to enter any topic and thus not allowing me to post there.
I have a GameObject caching system for user interfaces with large numbers of GameObjects in a grid to avoid having to re-create them every time the interface opens. I have noticed that since upgrading from 2018 to 2019 that there is some odd behavior with how the rendered color of the Image components on these cached GameObjects displays.
It seems that somehow the rendered display of the Image is utilizing the previous color defined for the Image component from the last time it was used. Even when I inspect the scene to confirm that the color in the Inspector property for the Image component is correct, the rendered color of it is different. In a paused state, even if I manually change the color to arbitrary ones it still renders in the incorrect color it is stuck on.
It feels like maybe some optimization in the render pipeline occurred where it is failing to pickup on a change in color from the Image component. Maybe there is some new call I need to make to force the renderer to refresh shader parameters? Looking for ideas on what I might look for here.
It appears the only way to get it to update the color is to change the Sprite to something else and then change it back again when it is in this state.
Edit: Indeed. I was able to “fix” this issue by updating my logic to always set the image.sprite = null; first, then re-set the sprite to what it was again before updating it to the desired color.
Please submit a bug-report as described in this document:
It’s important that you report these issues together with a reproduction project if you want them to get fixed. If you don’t do it, it might be a long time until someone else reports them or until Unity Technologies find them.
After you submitted the bug-report, you receive a confirmation email with a bug-report Case number. Please post the Case number (number only, not the link) in this forum thread for Unity staff to pick up.
Please stop posting the same message everywhere, because according how much time you spend on the forum, you should know that similar bug is present and already reported by the community.
Informing this guy with the correct answer is better. (I say that because i know that you knew this bug )
I didn’t know or at least didn’t recall the bug, tbh. I assumed letting him/her know how to report such an issue would be a good move.
Considering how many issues are “reported” in the forum, that will never get fixed, because of missing bug-reports through the official channels, makes me sad, since it affects my own work. Thus, I try to inform people how to submit those reports. That way it helps every Unity user.
I’m not sure who you’re referring to and accuse with saying that, because AFAIK no one told you that your favorite bug is a feature or that it’s not a bug
The irony is that you told Peter to stop telling people that they need to submit a bug, which is actually helping everyone, meanwhile you’re trashing all possible threads with your bug, which is reported already and Unity probably will fix it at some point, so you’re basically not helping anyone. Other than trying to form a riot or something, I’m not sure why are you doing this, but it’s annoying, that’s for sure. so if this is your goal, you’re on the right track. And you’re pretending like the bug’s reported lifespan would be years already.
Man, if you use Unity during your free time or as hobby or even with not a real game released or still using 2017.x or 2018.x , please leave me alone. These posts are present for moving foward and not in 4 or 5 months.
We have a lot of reports for the 2019.x version and we can have even more complains, but people are scared to move on 2019.x , so only few guy (like me) with big project have try and are now blocked.
Keep in mind that 2019.x is released with an “official” status, that mean that this version should be ready for production and the critical issues should be fixed in priority, but it’s not the case.
Maybe you can show me that i’m wrong with one of your game running with webgl using the 2019.x version and without any problem, but i really doubt that you can.
Sorry, didn’t know that I need your permission to post and answer on a public forum. Feel free to ignore me at any point you want.
BTW, I’m working on 2019.x, real game, at least I intend it to be. It’s not released, because I’m not done yet. So whatever.
No, they do nothing good. You reported your bug, it will be fixed, there is no further, technical conversation in the new posts, no new information or anything. And they aren’t constructive at all, so no moving forward.
I’m pretty sure Unity is in a better position to decide if a bug is critical or not and how many developers and projects are affected. Also they are in better position to decide when and how they fix the bug.
I don’t do WebGL. And again, I never said that your bugs aren’t bugs, I told you that spamming everything with them won’t make them fixed faster, you’re just annoying everyone with your posts. But don’t let me stop you, please continue.
Cool thanks guys. Glad to know its a known bug. I dont have any pressing releases of the game to hit so I can wait for a proper fix with my workaround in the mean time.
I did report a bug and submitted it. That was after I had posted here looking for any known info and then figured out the workaround to confirm there must be a bug.
Ninja: I do agree that it seems known issues linger for far too long with Unity. There is actually a bug I reported years ago now about how the input system does not allow you to hold a button down through scene loads that still exists and still has no workaround. But overall I still love working with it than many other engines I have tried.
Oh I remember that bug. I completely agree with you that it would have been better to fix it sooner rather than later, although I also understand the triage Unity does (I’m a Software Developer myself, I know how it works, I leave bugs unfixed for a long time because of various reasons, which aren’t laziness). Structural changes sometimes carry more risks than to leave a niche bug lingering around for a while. I know this is not ideal, and Unity does know as well, I’m pretty sure, they’re professionals after all.
Hope they can fix this easily in the new Input system.