2020.1 Project upgrade issue: references strong named Newtonsoft.Json in a different folder

I am trying to solve the following issue when upgrading project from 2019.4 to 2020.1

Assembly ‘Assets/Plugins/SocketIoClientDotNet.dll’ will not be loaded due to errors:
SocketIoClientDotNet references strong named Newtonsoft.Json in a different folder, versions has to match. Assembly references: Found in project:

I have found some info at the following, but I haven’t been able to resolve my problem.


Hey ScottAdams,
I’m getting the below issue.
‘…/CookieManager.dll’ will not be loaded due to errors:
CookieManager references strong named Newtonsoft.Json Assembly references: Found in project:

If I get Newtonsoft.Json from Nuget It throughs this issue in the android build, in editor it works fine. The only possible way is to use

If I use assemblies from these I get “reference strong named” issue.

Are you able to solve the issue of strong named reference? If so please guide me. Thank you.