2020.2.a18 crash TransferScriptingObject

Typical logs below. Seems to occur when entering or exiting play / script recompile.
Wasn’t crashing in 2019.3x

In case it’s not fixed in the latest beta and you have a project where you’re able to reproduce these issues, any chance you can submit a bug-report as described in this document?

It’s important to report these issues together with a reproduction project if you want them to get fixed. If you don’t do it, it might be a long time until someone else reports them or until Unity Technologies find them.

After you submitted the bug-report, you receive a confirmation email with a bug-report Case number. Please post the Case number (number only, not the link) in this forum thread for Unity staff to pick up.

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I have a very similar-looking crash in Unity 2021.3.3f1, the crash log is attached. Unfortunately, similar crashes happen once in a while irreproducibly at some random moments with various projects that I can’t upload.

8243394–1078209–Editor.log.txt (39.9 KB)