Hi, we are experiencing some changes in the UnityEditor.Audio.Util; Does anyone have the brand new 2020.2 reflection version of Audio Util class? Thank you.
// Unity C# reference source
// Copyright (c) Unity Technologies. For terms of use, see
// https://unity3d.com/legal/licenses/Unity_Reference_Only_License
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Bindings;
namespace UnityEditor
[StaticAccessor("AudioUtilScriptBindings", StaticAccessorType.DoubleColon)]
internal class AudioUtil
[StaticAccessor("GetAudioManager()", StaticAccessorType.Dot)]
extern public static bool resetAllAudioClipPlayCountsOnPlay { get; set; }
[StaticAccessor("GetAudioManager()", StaticAccessorType.Dot)]
extern public static void PlayPreviewClip([NotNull] AudioClip clip, int startSample = 0, bool loop = false);
[StaticAccessor("GetAudioManager()", StaticAccessorType.Dot)]
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I ran into this too - for my use in the editor I was able to replace StopAllClips with StopAllPreviewClips and PlayClip with PlayPreviewClip
March 12, 2021, 7:46am
Unity should just make the AudioUtil public and be done with this mess.