2020 epic crash

So, maybe someone can help? We use Unity free 2020. Thay say something about dotnet,
and after we answer OK, Unity2020… crash. no interface, no assets nothing. Only errors:

Assertion failed on expression: ‘errors == MDB_SUCCESS || errors == MDB_NOTFOUND’
Assertion failed on expression: ‘res == EAGAIN || !HasAbortingErrors()’

In folders of project files exists, so it something in Unity editor or in Visual Studio. How to fix it?

ps: we use Windows 10.

Could you please submit a bug report with the project attached to it?

And possibly post the case number here.

after some research, we found than most errors found when disk space low, or project is too big. So, after crash we restore from backup. Unity crash time to time. And time to time found bug with texture graphics error. Project ~30Gb, and for working on it need signed NDA, so we not will send it by bugreport. But in any case, thanks. Maybe we try split data to assetbundles, becouse colleguas say Unity are very buggy if data file more than 3Gb. But our project… 30Gb

and by the way… textures bug in Unity 2020:

The 32-bit limitation you talk about existed in all data files including Asset bundles however in 2020.1 we improved this with 64-bit support to our serialized files. So if you are having this issue in 2020.1 then we really need a bug report. Are you able to recreate the issue in a new project?


Thanks for reply, Karl! how to recreate bugs? Well. Try make a new huge big project with ONE SCENE with ~10Gb *.tga textures and ~10Gb *.tif textures. After build project complete, 99% chance you find textures bug. No matter you use models and textures from unity store or (exported) from unreal store. When added more tga/tif textures (~30GB each) in project textures bug with any models will be bigger. What we ask for? 64-bit architecture and add more RAM maybe solution… but. Better include in Unity simple script than found BIG textures in project and try to automatic convert to smallest format png? Or simple show how bigger is data and visualize what files are bigger like “WinDirStat”? Maybe document/ask to 3d modellers to optimize textures before they push assets to unity store? Something like warning baloon tip in editor “Hey, you assets too big, optimize textures” or “Hey, assets too big, but try to make AssetsBundles by folders to pack data in separate resource bundles (but some times we really need all data on scene, for example for hudge city/space battle scenes)”. So if sharedassets/data near limit, just say something to user/designer - warning or solution (for example pack data to many files). By the way change more archiver options like use RAR and add cryptography (simple XOR or RSA) to pack/unpach assetdata and separate datafile to many smaller files are brilliant idea, if Unity will able to do that automatically.

I also get this compression horrendousness when baking reflection probes in the editor to Android ASTC texture format

See here : https://discussions.unity.com/t/775615