2020 LTS out

Seems to be quietly out - hidden at top of the release list!

Unity QA - LTS Releases - Unity (unity3d.com)


nice find :smile:

I guess LTS/.3 just marks the point at which 2020 is no longer feature-added to, so little use for 2020.2 now?!

The big feature changes always come in the .0 tech releases. You get relatively minor feature changes from .1 onwards, but mostly just bug fixes. With 2020.3.0 out, you won’t see any more 2020.2.x releases, though 2020.3.0 is effectively just a bug fix release for 2020.2.x anyway. Don’t get hung up on the numbering.

basically if you want to use 2020, use the LTS. For any given release, LTS will give you the least headaches.