Hi Rowlan,
We are talking here of a new unified spline framework API. It will be used to gradually unify existing and new splines applications across unity for 2020+. We are not considering backporting to 2019 at the moment.
Splines will have many generic features (like the ones you mentioned, thanks for the input) but also application specific features (splines for rivers might differ in some ways from camera path splines for example) that are not in the API per say.
Definitely usable on terrain, this is our top priority use case actually.
Conforming to terrain (snapping to surface with normal alignement) is going to be supported.
Generic offsets and parallel constraints are in the plan but will come later in the case of splines.
We are supporting
Catmull Rom
KB Spline
And eventually:
- BSpline
- Hermite
Thanks for your questions!