2020 Roadmap Q&A - Core Engine & Creator Tools

I just want to say that the “Released”, “Prerelease” and “In Development” is a great format!
It’s much easier to understand compared to “Verified”, “Preview” and “Experimental”



In Unity 2019.3, you released a preview for disabling domain and scene reloading when entering play mode in the Editor. Disabling domain reloading requires some additional code for static fields to be properly re-initialised when exiting and re-entering play mode. Unfortunately at present the experimental feature breaks a number of third party Asset store plugins because they use static fields in their code.

How set in stone is the RuntimeInitalizeOnLoad boilerplate? If an asset creator updates to enable support for the 2019.3 experimental feature, will that code still work in 2020.1 and later? Or is there plans to change that boilerplate? Or even eliminate it entirely?

I personally find the experimental feature of huge benefit. For one of the games I’m working on as part of a studio, entering play mode in the editor goes from taking between 40 and 60 seconds, to less than 4 with reloading disabled. Unfortunately it breaks at least one of the plugins we use, and the creators of at least one of them has expressed that they’re not willing to update to enable support for this feature until they can be sure the boilerplate stuff is stabilised.


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Roadmap stream mentioned this:

As enthusiastic tester for various new Unity packages, this makes me really sad. I loved that Unity opened the development early on and this makes it sound like we are going back to the old direction again :frowning:

I’d wish Unity would reconsider this, like, even making people fill out forms (so they understand it’s experimental / or to have possible NDA) to get automatically in the experimental versions for thing x would be nice instead of just locking most out.

I do understand why this happened (there’s a lot of people complaining about previews publicly) but this could be handled so that it wouldn’t lock out people who actually understand the nature of earlier development stages.

Anyway since this is QA, I’m going to ask what are the requirements in getting approved to these focus groups?
Also, is Unity planning to close access to already public github repositories like SRP, input system and ml-agents?



Is there somewhere we can follow along with the editor QoL improvement development? And/or know which QoL features are already in the queue to be added?

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Hi! Thanks for the mini presentation!

I wonder if the VFX sample projects shown in this presentation are available somewhere to have a look? (like github or learn portal)



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Will RenderPass API be supported for mobile VR (Quest specifically) in 2020.1 for custom SRPs?


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Long time ago there were plans for new better roadmap page/site with up to date info. Is this in development or dropped?



Concerning what’s in development for the editor evolution (creative workflows section), you talked about multi-document workflow and contexts to edit assets independently of one another.

Does this mean that we will be able to create our own workspaces through editor scripts ? I had in mind something like the prefab editor which would allow to enter a specific workspace with its own “scene” view and windows when focusing assets or components of a given type.

Also, when do you think this kind of feature will be available to preview?


Reaching Your Audience:
Will you change the Asset Store share/split of 70% for the creator and 30% for Unity Tech., that creators can offer their assets for less money and reach a bigger audience?


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When will the remaining of DOTS tech get their own sub-forums?


From the roadmap 2020, I see there is New Entities Debugger in development. Will New Entities Debugger include Logic Flow Map feature as shown below? I have been waiting for this awesome feature since 2018.


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Linked in the description of youtube video, but specifically here - Unity Roadmap 2020: Core Engine & Creator Tools | PPT


Are there any plans for documenting HDRP and URP in 2020?



question about the visual scripting system:
Is the plan eventually to have the system be integrated in the engine in such a way that it should be used side by side with normal C# scripting (similar to UE4’s blueprints) or will they just be there as an alternative to C# for non programmers?



In the World-building section you talk about foundation APIs, are you able to tell us a bit more about them? What are they, what will/can they be used for?

You also talk about being able to create your own manipulators using the APIs(?). The demonstration video is small, and hard to read the text. What are they exactly? Are they custom shaped gizmos/handles that are made using GameObjects? Sounds like you can have them even play sounds and things from within the editor?


The session only vaguely overlapped with the items on the existing roadmap at https://unity3d.com/unity/roadmap - will that be updated to better reflect current priorities?

Similar question + answer:

No new news today. We’ll share here as soon as we have an update.


In world-building, the in development section says “Customizable toolbars and windows”. That sounds very cool! Can we get some more info on what that could look like? What things we may be able to customize, and in what way.


Any news on the status of collaborate 2.0?
I’m tired of waiting for the scanning dialog to complete on launch.


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Thanks for the roadmap presentation!
Since it was not mentioned in the talk at all, any news or a timeframe for Project Mars?


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