Is this happening for anyone else or just me?
Since using unity 2020. New instances of the unity editor just start opening up after a period of time or when I import assets into a project or when i do anything in the project window.Only reason I know about them is they appear in task manager but not on screen.Is this supposed to be happening?Most I have seen is 3 editors running so far I can close them manually in the task window.
Thought it might have had to do with unity hub so I deleted that but did not help.Tried a new project that did not help.Unity 19 LTS and unity 5 don’t open up new instances out of the blue so is this intended behavior with unity 20 or is my copy just bugged?
I uninstalled and reinstalled the latest build 2020.2.3 and its still doing the same thing .WHY???is it supposed to do this .Can someone help me out here what purpose does opening up new editor windows that cant even be accessed serve. its eating up all my ram and using resources is this intended?
Bumpity bump
It is possibly that Unity is intentionally creating another instance of the exe in the background for whatever reason. You could report it as a bug and see what QA say about it.
Hi Bob so you are also using unity 2020?It is not doing the same for you?It opens up that editor window no matter what I do
I had this problem. Here is a possible solution:
Window > Layouts> Revert Factory Layout
This might cause a infinite loop of errors, here is the solution for that:
This worked for me.
Hi bltowry
Had the annoying double window occurance where u get a grey second window opening when you launch and I did the revert factory settings on that.Had to reboot my computer after as It opened up a ton of windows.
This is not that.
Here you can’t see the second editor other than in task manager. Anyway tried to revert factory settings again but it won’t let me just says
Failed to load window layout: System.InvalidOperationException: Trying to create a second main window from layout when one already exists.
at UnityEditor.ContainerWindow.Show (UnityEditor.ShowMode showMode, System.Boolean loadPosition, System.Boolean displayImmediately, System.Boolean setFocus) [0x00013] in :0
at UnityEditor.WindowLayout.LoadWindowLayout (System.String path, System.Boolean newProjectLayoutWasCreated, System.Boolean setLastLoadedLayoutName, System.Boolean keepMainWindow) [0x00416] in
Try the second links instructions just edited:
Press [Revert Factory Layout]
2. Unity copies the correct default layout to CurrentLayout-default.dwlt
3. Unity complains that it still cannot load the layout
3a. Press Revert Factory Layout. < this fixes the file
4. Copy the now correct CurrentLayout-default.dwlt somewhere < copy it from the project that’s not working from your project’s "Library > CurrentLayout
5. Save everything, and close the project.
6. Unity corrupts the file during quitting
7. Copy back the correct CurrentLayout-default.dwlt
8. Start Unity again
If that doesn’t work try deleting this, but only after deactivating!:
If THAT doesn’t work, I’m not sure what the problem is, I would do a bug report:
If that doesn’t work try deleting this, but only after deactivating!:
Well deleted it did not help went further and deleted unity in the locallow and local folders of the appdata and didn’t help either…Probably something in the registry but I don’t know what to look for in that minefield guess I will submit that bug report.
Well, its a good thing to get your Unity Roaming data cleared out sometimes anyway.
Well, its a good thing to get your Unity Roaming data cleared out sometimes anyway.
True that
The thing I don’t get is it stores all the packages on the roaming app local folder but when you need to add a package to your project it instead downloads it and uses up precious bandwidth instead of just copying the files over from the appdata storage.
I’m sure they have a reason, that they “cannot confirm nor deny”. lol
Well I am glad one of us thinks there’s reason in the things they do