Prevents from playing in the editor.
UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultEventSystem+Input.GetAxisRaw (System.String axis) (at <7b54c84c069d40889365f862deac055a>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultEventSystem.GetRawMoveVector () (at <7b54c84c069d40889365f862deac055a>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultEventSystem.ShouldSendMoveFromInput () (at <7b54c84c069d40889365f862deac055a>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultEventSystem.SendInputEvents () (at <7b54c84c069d40889365f862deac055a>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultEventSystem.Update (UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultEventSystem+UpdateMode updateMode) (at <7b54c84c069d40889365f862deac055a>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.UIElementsRuntimeUtility.UpdateRuntimePanels () (at <7b54c84c069d40889365f862deac055a>:0)
UnityEngine.UIElements.UIElementsRuntimeUtilityNative.UpdateRuntimePanels () (at <763a76321e7642019f1a53b345345afc>:0)```
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Hello! You need to make sure you have an EventSystem on your scene (GameObject > UI > Event System or right click the Hierarchy view > UI > Event System) and on the Inspector click to “Replace with InputSystemUIInputModule”:
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Ok if Event System is required why is it not automatically added into scene when adding UIDocument. That what happens with the Canvas UI. You could also have a message somewhere saying “Event System required.”
I was under the impression that all of this was included when using UIDocument.
Ok if Event System is required why is it not automatically added into scene when adding UIDocument. That what happens with the Canvas UI. You could also have a message somewhere saying “Event System required.”
I was under the impression that all of this was included when using UIDocument.
It’s only required if you’re using the new Input System, if you’re not using it, we don’t need this component.
You’re right that this is not the best workflow on our side, and I can assure you we’re actively working on improving user experience
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It’s only required if you’re using the new Input System, if you’re not using it, we don’t need this component.
You’re right that this is not the best workflow on our side, and I can assure you we’re actively working on improving user experience
Glad to hear. Thank you for your help.
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