2021.2.0b15 unable to build ios due to ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle

I upgraded to 2021.2.0b15 version today, downloaded from unity website not hub. I upgraded from 2021.1.21f1.

Project ran fine in editor, so I built it to iOS target and deployed to TestFlight (I enabled bytecode), however I am getting following error during TestFlight build processing in the app store connect:

ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - The app cannot be processed because options not allowed to be embedded in bitcode are detected in the submission. It is likely that you are not building the app with the toolchain provided in Xcode. Rebuild your entire app with the latest GM Xcode and submit the app again.

Nothing besides new unity version changed between this build being successful and now failing. I tired multiple times as well.

I am working on a:
macOS 11.6 BigSur / M1 MacBook Air / XCode 13.0

believe this is caused by burst 1.6.0 rather than the unity beta

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Interesting, I assume unity version difference updates burst in between then? Also @Carper_Head everything works if you don’t enable “bytcode” version in XCode.

Actually, I’m not sure if its related to burst, I can see that 1.6.0 was released on 1st of September, and I was able to build my project with enabled bytecode until I updated to 2021.2 today

Updating burst to 1.6.1 solve this issue.


I confirm this I am using the silicon version of 21.2.7f1 and updated to the latest burst 1.6.3 and that solved the problem.


I’m getting the same invalid binary error when using the meshoptimizer decompression Unity plugin which had a dependency on Burst 1.6.0, just updated burst to fix too

Thanks, you saved my day! I confirm the Burst update 1.6->1.6.5 solved the problem.