2021.2.1f1 Move Tool no show

Move tool doesn’t work. I get no show on this tool and have to select size tool and then move to move an object.

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I have the same problem in this version, move handles does not display when I select Camera or Direction light with gizmos on, if I disable the gizmos move handles appear, pretty strange behavior.


Same issue, Move tool is not visible on Light Probe Group, Lights (you can parent to empty gameobject) too

Related Issue Tracker entry: Unity Issue Tracker - Tool handles are invisible in Scene View when certain objects are selected

Damn! it was also in the known issues in the release.

  • Scene/Game View: Tool handles are invisible in Scene View when certain objects are selected (1374532)

Yes in new version all of the transform tools got into problems even Rect Tool not working properly.
I found out if you disable Gizmo Toggle the move, scale and rotate tool will show and work properly but Rect tool not show most of the custom items.

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And the anchors have disappeared on the canvas.

2021.2.2f1 - Not working.
2021.2.1f1 - Not working
2021.2.0f1 - Works perfectly

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Yea strange. Same here. 2021.2.1f1 move tool not working for various elements in scene.
lighting, canvas, Text there is no move gizmo

Thank you pal, this worked as an emergency option.
Will upgrade Unity as soon as a working version is available.



same problem in 2021.2.2f


2021.3.11f1 issue +1