2021.3.11f LTS, Navmesh stays across multiple scenes, but it should not?

I have a experimental scene where i try things out, using unity terrain.
Baked for AI.

However when i do

  • Scene change at runtime, the navmesh from the first “stays” in the new scene
  • Load a different or create a new scene, the existing navmesh is still there, even though there is no navmesh stored in the folder for the scene.

On the screenshot a blank new scene with nothing i just created and loaded.
Navmesh is still there, even with the folder empty.

Nothing is selected in static, normally i would have Navstatic on terrain, but even with nothing it stays.


Any ideas how to prevent this? allready tried deleting the folders with navmesh…

Additional i found when i search for Navmesh in the folder, it appears there are “ghost” files, they don’t exist and when i try to delete or goto location they are not there…

Somewhere there must be a cache keeping this data stored?