Collider gizmos do not appear in my scene view. I have attempted:
- Project Settings > Physics 2D > Gizmos > Always Show Colliders
- Toggled the gizmo visibility in the editor view
- ensured that the gizmos specific to colliders were enabled in the gizmo menu
- checked to make sure that the mesh I have selected has a collider on it
- ensured that the collider in question was not collapsed in the inspector
- checked the scaling of the parent and child objects (including testing with a plain cube gameobject with a sphere collider)
- restarted unity (it works just fine in other projects)
What additional settings can I toggle to make the gizmo visible? For a brief moment, I saw the proper sphere collider wireframe, but then it was gone again upon deleting and re-adding the collider.
I am able to get the collider wireframe to appear using the following steps:
- select the obj with the collider on it
- play the game and watch the object fall in scene view
- stop the game
- now, the collider wireframe is visible. However, when I deselect the object and reselect it, the collider wireframe disappears again, only ever becoming visible (for a single time) after enabling “play” mode and stopping.