2021.3.8f1 Unity WebGL URP Mobile freeze

Building a 2021.3.8f1 WebGL build with URP works fine on PC, on mobile it’s freezing and “lagging” like crazy.
Tested with only a simple particle system in the original sampleScene.

Guessing there are some bad settings. Maybe screen space AO is turned on or something?
Also try attaching the profiler maybe

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Man there is literally nothing in the scene, and screen space AO is not active because i did not touch URP settings, Project created, put one particles in scene, builded, deployed on server

Wait, ok sorry, screen space AO is active (I did not remember that it was enable by default) but still is en empty scene, I did not remember that it was enable by default

Yeah that’s new (sadly). Did that fix it?
For mobile autoconnect the profiler and see what else it does

I’m building, i will keep you updated

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So, i don’t know if the SSAO disabled helped in some way but seems more fluid, profiler seems to not work though, i will try renabling SSAO

Restart and then try again maybe with the profiler open

performance seems way better without SSAO, i will try my game, if that fix the issue i love you, but anyway, why this happens?

yes, i’m exaust today, sorry

I mean, is SSAO so heavy?

Depending on the API and device, yes

Just trying with my game, now is working fine, thank you soo much, love you. Problem was SSAO, disabling it solved the issue

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