2022.1.0a15 il2CppCodeGeneration change

I had an error after upgrade from 0a12 (and can’t recall seeing it in 0a13 when I tried that a while back),

error CS0117: ‘EditorUserBuildSettings’ does not contain a definition for ‘il2CppCodeGeneration’

I did see there’s an EditorUserBuildSettings.il2CppCodeGeneratione (notice the “e” suffix), but that says deprecated. How do we now switch between UnityEditor.Build.Il2CppCodeGeneration.OptimizeSpeed and UnityEditor.Build.Il2CppCodeGeneration.OptimizeSize - or is that no longer a thing ?

From release notes:


It looks like there is a typo in the name as well: EditorUserBuildSettings.il2CppCodeGeneratione should be EditorUserBuildSettings.il2CppCodeGeneration. We will correct that.

But as the releases notes say, this option was moved to the player settings.


This has been fixed. You can track the issue here: Unity Issue Tracker - EditorUserBuildSettings.il2CppCodeGeneration has typo making it EditorUserBuildSettings.il2CppCodeGeneratione

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