2022.2 B14 Light Settings Cannot Be Adjusted?

Hello all,

I just updated to B14 from B13, I can no longer adjust any light settings…

All of my usual light settings like Emission, Volumetrics, Shadow settings will not move or adjust sliders or values, cannot uncheck or check any checkboxes like affect diffuse or enable shadowmaps.

Kind of makes this Beta unusable for me, No problems in any other tabs like Cameras etc.

Just wondering if this is just me, or are others experiencing it?


Thanks for reporting this issue!

I have the same issue in B14. My scene is having many point lights (using the HDRP) but I can’t change any light settings anymore (as u mentioned already: color, intensity,…)

I found a workaround: switch into the inspectors debug mode and change it there directly. It’s quite unhandy but it works for now


Thanks for confirming the bug, and offering a solution, much appreciated… :slight_smile:

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Echoing, this is pretty disruptive. Thank you for the workaround!

Same problem in HDRP. With Built-in RP it works fine.
Upd: I also can’t change some values of reflection probes (hdrp)

It appears that this bug is still present in B15.
I can’t chance any light parameters using the HDRP

thanks for the tip I can change light values in debug mode but every light switches back to their earlier parameters when I run the recording =.= how can I keep the values guys?

I can confirm this.

Still not fixed in B16 :frowning:

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Deleting the Library folder and restarting the project solved this problem :slight_smile:

Unfortunately didn’t help for me. :frowning:

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Deleting the library folder did not work for me either, unfortunately…

Just adding in confirmed in 2022.2.0b16.112.5806

Steps to reproduce.
Create new HDRP scene
Add Point Light.

Light Settings cannot be adjusted in the inspector

Confirmed even on a brand new project

confirmed in a fresh Unity installation with an HDRP new scene started from the 3D HDRP template.
But I’ve found that not just lights properties are unchangeable but also other settings in other elements like overrides in volume and others.
It seems something more spreaded in the editor

Bump. Experiencing this problem too.

Yup also getting this on beta 16.

EDIT: Didn’t see 2022.2.0f1 was out. Seems to be fixed in this version.

I have found this problem fixed in 2022.2.9f1. Thanks!

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